Our table linens are hand-made. They are 100% cotton, machine washable (no bleach), color-fast, stone-washed, pre-shrunk, with no ironing needed (unless you are perfectionist) except the gold-silver-gold& silver that needs dry cleaning. They always stay bright and beautiful.
Please go to the "About Us" section of this website to read more about how our table linens are hand-made and their unique history.
Rectangular Tablecloths
55" x 55" $35 USD
59" x 86" $55 USD
70" x 106" $75 USD
70" x 138" $90 USD
78" x 157" $120 USD
78" x 177" $140 USD
78" x 197" $180 USD
18" x 18 " $5 USD
Round Tablecloths
70" $55 USD
86" $75 USD
106" $90 USD
Sukkah Tablecloths
86" x 86" $90 USD
47" x 15" $25 USD
86" x 15" $30 USD
Alef Bet
31" x 43" $35 USD
Challah Cover
18" x 18" $20 USD
Afikoman Cover
One Size $12 USD
Matzah Cover
One Size $35 USD